
國禮收藏時代名家 2024-05-21 19:43:52


Hu Xingshu was born in 1956 in Cili, Hunan Province. He is now a member of the Hunan Artists Association, a member of the Hunan Ceramic Artists Association, a member of the China Artists Association Committee of the Xiang River Painting and Calligraphy Academy of Hunan Province, and an art consultant of the Yundan painting and Calligraphy Academy of Hunan Province, honorary President of Zhangjiajie Academy of Painting and Calligraphy, director of Inner Mongolia Zhenglan Banner Artists Association, Member of New Culture Group, member of China Couplet Society, Director of China Academy of Painting and calligraphy, and artist of Guo Li. Vice-president, International Co-development Centre, World Intangible Cultural Heritage Cultural Heritage Institute.

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