
上海外事商務咨詢中心 2024-03-12 12:53:08

As China will adopt a visa-free policy for Switzerland, Ireland, Hungary, Austria, Belgium and Luxembourg on a trial basis, observers said on Thursday that the latest move shows China's efforts to facilitate international travel and determination to boost exchanges and opening-up. 中國將試行對瑞士、愛爾蘭、匈牙利、奧地利、比利時和盧森堡六國免簽政策,觀察家在周四表示,最新舉措展現了中國促進國際旅行的努力及推動交流和開放的決心。"We hope more countries will also offer Chinese citizens visa facilitation and work with us to build fast-track networks for cross-border travel and encourage speedy resumption of international passenger flights," Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said,after having made the announcement of granting visa-free status to the six European countries at a press conference on Thursday on the sidelines of the second session of the 14th National People's Congress (NPC), China's national legislature.在周四的第十四屆全國人民代表大會第二次會議期間,中國外交部長王毅在新聞發布會上宣布六個歐洲國家獲得免簽資格後表示:“我們希望更多的國家也能爲中國公民提供簽證便利,並與我們合作建立跨境旅行的快捷網絡,鼓勵國際客運航班的快速恢複。”This will make it more convenient for Chinese citizens to travel abroad, and make foreign friends feel at home in China, he said.他說,這將使中國公民出國旅行更加便利,也讓外國朋友在中國感到賓至如歸。Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, pledged more favorable measures, including more convenient payment methods. 作爲中共中央政治局委員的王毅承諾,將推出更多優惠措施,包括更便捷的支付方式。China will continue to expand its visa-free "circle of friends," and reach arrangements for multi-year and multiple-entry visa options with more countries, Wang said. 王毅表示,中國將繼續擴大其免簽“朋友圈”,並與更多國家達成多年多次入境簽證的安排。The trial will last until November 30, and nationals of the six European countries will be able to stay in China for no more than 15 days for business, sightseeing, family visits or transfer without a visa, the Xinhua News Agency reported Thursday. 試行期將持續到11月30日,來自這六個歐洲國家的公民,無需簽證即可在中國停留不超過15天,用于商務、旅遊、探親或過境,新華社周四報道。The announcement has led to a fourfold increase in flight ticket sales with the listed countries compared to the same period of the previous day on industry portal Tongcheng Travel by Thursday noon. 此項公告導致周四中午,與這些國家相關的機票銷售量在同程旅行這一行業門戶上比前一天同期增長了四倍。Among the six countries, flight capacity from Hungary to China has doubled the level of 2019, per data released in February, while flights from Belgium are operating at 90 percent of 2019 levels. This means that the growth in tourist numbers to China could be fastest in these two countries, according to data from Ctrip, a major online travel service platform. 在這六個國家中,根據2月發布的數據,匈牙利至中國的航班容量是2019年水平的兩倍,而比利時的航班運營量達到了2019年的90%。這意味著這兩個國家前往中國的遊客增長可能會最快,據攜程這一主要在線旅遊服務平台的數據。Wang Huiyao, president of think tank the Center for China and Globalization, told the Global Times on Thursday that the visa exemptions showed China's determination and concrete efforts to keep opening up.全球化智庫中國與全球化研究中心主席王輝耀在周四對環球時報表示,免簽證措施顯示了中國開放的決心和具體努力。He proposed to continuing to expand the scope so that more foreign travelers can get a chance to enjoy China's large and diverse landscapes, the convenience brought by the 5G network and high-speed bullet trains, and understand China through first-hand experience rather than news reports or hearsay. 他建議繼續擴大範圍,讓更多的外國旅行者有機會欣賞中國廣闊多樣的風景,享受5G網絡和高速動車帶來的便利,並通過親身體驗而不是新聞報道或傳聞來了解中國。At the ongoing two sessions, deputies and political advisors also made proposals on how to enhance international exchanges and bring greater convenience to international travelers. 在正在進行的兩會上,代表和政治顧問也提出了關于如何加強國際交流和爲國際旅行者提供更多便利的建議。Song Yan, a deputy to the top legislature, proposed that cultural and tourist sites, especially famous scenic spots and core business districts, should implement both online booking and payments as well as offline ticket purchases with cash and cards, media reported. 全國人大代表宋燕建議,文化和旅遊景點,尤其是著名的風景區和核心商業區,應實施在線預訂和支付以及現場用現金和卡購票的雙軌系統,媒體報道。Zheng Chunyang, a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee, told the Global Times that  was to set up multilingual signs in cities and encourage more hospitals to provide international outpatient services to facilitate international exchanges. 全國政協委員鄭春陽對環球時報表示,他的建議是在城市設置多語言標識,並鼓勵更多醫院提供國際門診服務,以便利國際交流。Wang Yi said on Thursday that China will continue to expand its visa-free "circle of friends," and reach arrangements for multi-year and multiple-entry visa options with more countries. 王毅周四表示,中國將繼續擴大其免簽“朋友圈”,並與更多國家達成多年多次入境簽證的安排。A slew of supportive measures have also been released. The latest was on March 1 when Zhang Qingsong, deputy governor of the People's Bank of China, said the central bank will guide payment platforms such as Alipay and Tenpay to raise the single transaction limit for overseas travelers using mobile payments from $1,000 to $5,000, and the annual cumulative transaction cap will be raised from $10,000 to $50,000.


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