
曉絲英語 2024-04-26 08:05:15

Good evening, I'm John Yang. Tonight, Iran's much anticipated attack on Israel is unfolding slowly.


Israeli army spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari says dozens of drones have been launched from Iran and were most recently seen over northeastern Iraq.


Officials say the drones won't arrive in Israel for several hours. Israel has been on high alert for days. Military defenses have been beefed up.


Israeli airspace is now closed, and officials closed schools for tomorrow the beginning of the Israeli school week.


In Washington President Biden cut short a weekend at his Delaware beach home. He returned to the White House to meet with national security officials.


U.S. and Israeli intelligence have been warning for days that Iran was preparing an attack.


They say it was in retaliation for a suspected Israeli strike on an Iranian diplomatic building in Syria, which killed senior Iranian generals.


Against this backdrop, Iranian special forces seized a cargo ship indirectly owned by an Israeli born billionaire. Iran said it was taking the ship to their territorial waters.


Amid his defense, officials shared cell phone video, appearing to show commandos rappelling from a helicopter. The ship's operator says it as a crew of 25.


It happened in the Strait of Hormuz, which connects the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman.


On Friday the ship had been seen off the coast of Dubai. Israel says it's an act of piracy and it's called for sanctions.


And tensions were high on the West Bank. The Israeli army found the body of a missing 14-year-old Israeli boy who the military said was the victim of a terrorist attack.


It was his disappearance that said Israeli settlers rampaging through Palestinian villages yesterday, setting homes on fire, killing a Palestinian man and wounding more than two dozen others.


The unrest continued today and Israel has sent more troops to the area.


In Australia, a lone attacker stabbed six people to death at a popular Sydney shopping center.


Eight others were injured some critically. They included a nine-month-old baby who required surgery. Police shot the attacker dead.


It triggered chaos among the shoppers. Hundreds fled and sought shelter outside. Eyewitnesses say the attacker appeared to target people indiscriminately.


He was put it down and then she shot him. But we are not invincible. She didn't shoot him. Well, he wouldn't get going. He was on the rampage.


Authorities say it was an isolated incident not related to terrorism.


In southeastern Ukraine, more than a dozen people have died as Russian troops escalate their assaults across the east.


Russia says Ukrainian shelling has killed at least 10 people, some of them children, in Russian occupied territory near Zaporizhzhia.


Ukraine says Russian attacks killed at least three civilians elsewhere in the country.


And in the mountains of Southern Turkey all 174 people stranded in dangling cable cars for nearly a day have been rescued.


The ordeal began on Friday when a cable car struck a pole and burst open, sending the passengers to the rocks below, killing one of them, and injuring seven, It happened just outside the resort city of Antalya during a busy Eid holiday week.


Still to come on PBS News Weekend, the story of Charlie Sifford, the first golfer to break the PGA's color barrier, and a Brief But Spectacular take on the miracle of flight.


New Words and Expressions 生詞和短語

anticipate verb [ T ]


to imagine or expect that something will happen

預期,期望; 預料

We don't anticipate any trouble. 我們不希望出現任何問題。

We had one or two difficulties along the way that we didn't anticipate.在進行的過程中,我們遇到一兩個沒有預料到的難題。

Are you anticipating a lot of people at the party tonight?你預計今晚的聚會會有很多人來嗎?

[ + -ing verb ] They anticipate having several applicants for the job.他們預計會有幾個人來應聘這份工作。

[ + that ] They anticipate that they will have several applicants for the job他們預計會有幾個人來應聘這份工作。

[ + question word ] At this stage we can't really anticipate what will happen.在這個階段我們真的無法預料會發生什麽。

The anticipated inflation figure is lower than last month's. 預計中的通貨膨脹數字低于上月。

drone noun UK


a low continuous noise that does not change its note


the drone of an engine 發動機的轟鳴聲

Outside the tent I could hear the constant drone of insects.我能聽到帳篷外面昆蟲發出的持續不斷的嗡嗡聲。

The drone of his voice made me feel sleepy. 他單調低沉的語調讓我昏昏欲睡。


an aircraft that does not have a pilot but is controlled by someone on the ground, used especially for dropping bombs or for surveillance (= careful watching of a place)


The U. S. Border Patrol's unmanned drone helped agents track down their smuggling suspect.

alert adjective UK


quick to see, understand, and act in a particular situation


I'm not feeling very alert today - not enough sleep last night!今天我感覺特遲鈍——昨晚沒睡好!

A couple of alert readers posted comments on the website pointing out the mistake.有幾個眼尖的讀者在網上發表評論,指出了這個錯誤。

Parents should be alert to sudden changes in children's behaviour. 父母應該對孩子行爲的突然變化有所警覺。

defence noun UK (US defense)


protection or support against attack, criticism, or infection


The rebels' only form of defence against the soldiers' guns was sticks and stones.叛亂者只能用木棍和石塊來抵禦士兵們的槍彈。

The war has ended but government spending on defence (= the country's armed forces) is still increasing.戰爭結束了,但政府的國防開支卻還在增加。

When Helen criticized me, Chris came/rushed to my defence (= quickly supported me).海倫批評我的時候,克裏斯趕忙爲我辯護。

The book is a closely argued defence of (= something that supports) the economic theory of Keynes.那本書通過嚴密的論證爲凱恩斯的經濟理論進行辯護。

The towers were once an important part of the city's defences.那些高塔曾經是該市防禦體系中的重要組成部分。

A good diet helps build the body's natural defences. 良好的飲食習慣有助于增強身體的自然抵抗能力。

beef something up phrasal verb with beef verb [ I ] informal UK


to make something stronger or more important


We need to find some new players to beef up the team.我們得招納幾個新隊員以加強全隊的實力。

The company has plans to beef up its production.公司計劃擴大生産。

Your report on the new car park is fine, but why don't you beef it up with some figures? 你那份關于新停車場的報告很不錯,但爲什麽不加入一些數字使之更充實呢?

retaliation noun [ U ] UK


the act of hurting someone or doing something harmful to someone because they have done or said something harmful to you


The bomb attack was in retaliation for the recent arrest of two well-known terrorists.這次炸彈襲擊是對最近逮捕兩名著名恐怖分子的報複。

She suffered severe retaliation for writing articles for the newspapers. 她因給報紙寫文章而遭到嚴重的報複。

suspect verb [ T ] UK


to think or believe something to be true or probable


So far, the police do not suspect foul play.目前,警察沒有懷疑是謀殺。

[ + (that) ] We had no reason to suspect (that) he might try to kill himself. 我們沒有理由認爲他會自殺。

"Do you think she'll have told them?" "I suspect not/so." “你認爲她會不會已經告訴他們了?”“我想不會/會的。”

backdrop noun UK


a large piece of cloth with buildings, countryside, etc. painted on it, hung at the back of a stage during a performance 背景幕布

[ S ]

the view behind something 背景

The mountains form a dramatic backdrop to the little village. 群山如畫,映襯著小山村。

[ S ]

the general situation in which particular events happen (事件的)背景

Their love affair began against a backdrop of war. 他們的愛情故事開始于戰爭年代。

seize verb UK


to take something quickly and keep or hold it 抓住; 奪過

I seized his arm and made him turn to look at me. 我抓住他的胳膊,讓他轉身看著我。

He seized the chance/opportunity of a free flight with both hands (= with eagerness or enthusiasm). 他急切地抓住這個搭乘免費航班的機會。

C2 [ T ]

to take using sudden force 奪取; 攫取; 抓獲

The rebels have seized ten soldiers to use as hostages.叛亂者俘獲了10名士兵作爲人質。

Political instability helped the army to seize power.政治動蕩使軍隊攫取了權力。

Troops yesterday seized control of the broadcasting station. 昨天部隊奪取了廣播電台的控制權。

cargo noun [ C or U ] UK


the goods carried by a ship, aircraft, or other large vehicle


a cargo ship/plane貨船/貨運飛機

The ship was carrying a cargo of wood. 這艘船正在運送一批木材。territorial adjective UK


relating to territory

領土的; 領地的; 土地的

a territorial dispute 領土糾紛

Some animals and birds are territorial (= they mark out areas which they defend against others).有些動物和鳥類有領地意識。

piracy noun [ U ] UK


piracy noun [U] (SHIPS)

the act of attacking ships in order to steal from them 海盜搶劫

Piracy is alive and flourishing on the world's commercial sea lanes.在世界商業航線上,海盜搶劫仍然十分猖獗。

piracy noun[U] (MOVIES / MUSIC)

the act of illegally copying a computer program, music, a film, etc. and selling it


software/video piracy 軟件/錄像盜版

call for someone

phrasal verb with call verb


to go to a place in order to collect someone


I'll call for you at eight. 我8點鍾來接你。

to demand that something happens

號召,呼籲; 要求

Members have called for his resignation. 成員們要求他辭職。

rampage verb [ I ] UK


to go through an area making a lot of noise and causing damage


The demonstrators rampaged through the town, smashing windows and setting fire to cars.示威者們橫沖直撞穿過城鎮,沿途砸壞窗戶、燒毀車輛。

Several villages were destroyed by rampaging soldiers.好幾個村子被狂暴撒野的士兵搗毀。

rampage noun [ C or U ] UK


violent and usually wild behaviour

橫沖直撞; 撒野; 狂暴行爲

invincible adjective UK


impossible to defeat or prevent from doing what is intended


Last year the company seemed/looked invincible but in recent weeks has begun to have problems. 該公司去年似乎無往不勝,但近幾周開始出現問題了

escalate verb [ I or T ] UK


to become or make something become greater or more serious


His financial problems escalated after he became unemployed.他失業後,經濟問題更是雪上加霜。

The decision to escalate UN involvement has been made in the hopes of a swift end to the hostilities.已決定加大聯合國介入的力度,以期盡快結束敵對。

The escalating rate of inflation will almost certainly bring escalating prices. 通貨膨脹率的不斷上升幾乎肯定會導致物價攀升

assault noun UK


a violent attack 毆打;襲擊,攻擊

He was charged with sexual assault. 他被指控性侵犯。

UK The number of indecent assaults has increased alarmingly over the past year. 在過去的一年中,強暴猥亵案件數量的增長令人震驚。

an assault on a police officer 襲擊警察

They launched an assault on the capital yesterday. 昨天他們對首都發起了進攻。

barrier noun [ C ] UK


a long pole, fence, wall, or natural feature, such as a mountain or sea, that stops people from going somewhere 隔欄;屏障;障礙物

Barriers have been erected all along the route the Pope will take. 在教皇將要經過的路上,沿途都設置了路障。

The mountains acted as a natural barrier to the spread of the disease. 群山成爲了阻止該疾病擴散的天然屏障。

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  • 2024-04-27 18:49


