
社會生活看點 2024-05-27 00:07:53


左:裔錦聲博士Dr.Jeannie YI; 右:《鄧婷訪談》《Murphy Interviews》


《Murphy Interviews》:Hello, Global audiences. I’m State Leaders Interview Column 《Murphy Interviews》founder, Murphy DENGTing. Right now I’m at AMC theater of Time Square Manhattan New York, the largest theater in America. The distinguished guest is Dr. Jeannie YI. Jeannie, should you please introduce yourself to global audiences?

裔錦聲博士:全球的觀衆朋友們大家好,我是Dr. Jeannie裔錦聲,很榮幸再次作客《鄧婷訪談》。我是北大學者、美國華盛頓大學文學博士……

Dr.Jeannie YI:Hi, everyone. I'm Dr. Jeannie YI. I'm very excited to attend 《Murphy Interviews》again!I’m the Peking University Scholar、Wall Street Financier、Hollywood Investor.

左:電影《Sight》人物原型王明旭博士Prototype of 《Sight》Leading Actor(Dr.WANG Mingxu); 右:裔錦聲博士Dr.Jeannie YI


《Murphy Interviews》:Dr.Jeannie, the movie《Sight》 scrolling in US largest AMC theater of Time Square New York on May 24. I myself was even touched by certain clips of《Sight》during watching with other producers, actors, actress,etc. Should you share with global audiences what’s your motivation for boosting the new movie《Sight》?


Dr.Jeannie YI:I do appreciate for the supports from all my friends, including famous New York producers, actors, actress, community volunteers.《Sight》is an inspirational movie which is also an epitome of my personal journey of striving.《Sight》 is adapted from the real life of internationally renowned ophthalmologist WANG Mingxu who helped others see light. Actually movie 《Sight》 tells the story of his struggling childhood towards his inner world. 《Sight》tells story of our Chinese people with China roots & American sentiments, and music which blends Chinese & American culture. This movie is a mirror of new Chinese-American immigrants great journey walking through the arduous & achieve great success.


《Murphy Interviews》:Dr. Jeannie YI, it’s reported that you’ve been working for a few months to help push the movie《Sight》towards Oscar?What’s the highlights of 《Sight》?What specific promotional work have you done for 《Sight》?

裔錦聲博士:《SIGHT》四天時間美國和加拿大票房突破300萬。這部電影由安德魯·海厄特執導,正如勵志醫學電影的慣例一樣,只提供了敘事所需的最低限度的科學內容。王在開發創新技術方面的成就是這裏故事的核心之一。 但占主導地位的敘述是個人成長。這部電影以 2006 年爲背景,將數十年的倒敘融入到故事中,展現了王在中國杭州的痛苦童年。主要演員特裏·陳、格雷格·金尼爾和一直受歡迎的菲奧紐拉·弗拉納根表現出了預期的專業精神。我們已經做了多場義演,新片《SIGHT》在加拿大和美國等市場反響熱烈。影迷們享受電影《Sight》的背景音樂,爲主人公的鬥志感動流淚,同時也爲他實現個人追求幫助他(她)人看見曙光而振奮!

Dr.Jeannie YI:The box office of 《Sight》has grossed over 3 million at the US & Canada market within four days. This film is directed by Andrew Hayatt and, as is customary in motivational medical films, only provides the minimum scientific content required for storytelling. Eye doctor Wang’s achievements in developing innovative technologies are one of the core story with the dominant narrative is his personal growth. 《Sight》is set in 2006 & incorporates decades of backtracking into the story, showcasing WANG’s painful childhood in HANGZhou China. Actually, we have performed multiple charity shows, and 《Sight》has received enthusiastic responses in markets such as Canada & US. Fans enjoy the background music of movie《Sight》,shed tears for the protagonist’s fighting spirit.


《Murphy Interviews》:What do you want to express to global audiences & film investors in front of the camera to support the movie《Sight》to win Oscar?


Dr.Jeannie YI:The struggling spirit of movie 《Sight》, which is rich in Chinese elements, is worth of praise and we hope that the《Sight》can arrive at the Oscar platform to showcase the history of human harmonious struggle. Any soil can forge one person’s success, especially in today’s era of diverse integration. As long as we have good intentions, firmly hold onto our dreams, seize the present & strive for the present, each passing day is the best footprint for you to welcome success! Sincerely welcome friends in front of the camera to enter cinema and watch the movie 《Sight》. At the same time, we also hope that film investors can help spread the light illuminated by 《Sight》 to each corner of the world.


《Murphy Interviews》:Thanks for Dr. Jeannie YI’s wonderful sharing. Sincerely wish 《Sight》hits huge box & obtain Oscar honor!


Dr.Jeannie YI:Once again thanks for Murphy & global audiences support!Thanks

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